Electricity is one of the basic necessities of every individual from the urban areas to the rural areas; electricity which helps mankind in various ways is now available even in the remotest areas of the world. Electricity requirements are based on various statistical measures like production and consumption. Electricity board is solely responsible for supplying electricity according to the requirements and consumption of industries and residential areas. It may be running the micro-oven of your kitchen or operating the huge machines of the factories. Electricity is generated depending on the horsepower flow of electrical energy.
Difference Between 3 Phase Kwh Meter And Single-Phase Kwh Meter?
A single-phase supply has a four-wire connection and in the house one is the neutral that carries almost 120 VAC and the two hotline connections that carry the double that is 240 volt of electricity into the house. The high voltage is used for heavy appliances such as Mixers, Micro-oven, induction stoves while the neutral is used for television connection. Other two are ground that used for other purposes in the house.
While in the 3 phase kWh meter is transmitted with three-phase power that is high voltages ranging from 230 kV and 500kV. The separate lines are conductors of electricity and also a neutral conductor.
Costs Efficiency
The single-phase meter requires copper wiring in high quantity but in case of the 3 phase Kwh meter wire, the requirement of the copper wire is less compared to the single-phase. The fewer gauges of copper wire lead to fewer costs of the 3 phase meter, less distribution of copper wire is required, the four-wire connection of a single-phase meter.
The three-phase power provides electricity for the consumption of 120 VAC and also 208 VAC.
Single-phase meter has a low life expectancy compared to the 3 phase kWh meter; this is due to the fall at zero of the electrical power. Suppose the conventional 120 VAC single phase if it runs at the 60 Hz, it is not possible for a continuous flow of current and it drops down to zero at several points. The drops may not hamper the wire or the equipment but certain number of drops in current flow leads to reduction in the life expectancy of the motor running in the single-phase meter.
The configuration of the three-phase Kwh meter has no chances of falling to zero, this is due to the three independent windings that are at a difference of 120 degrees apart. Each phase or flow of current is on separate conductors that never allow the power to fall to Zero.
Therefore the 3 phase meter does not have chances to get damages on high quantity and deliver high efficiency related to power distribution and long-lasting motors as compared to single-phase meters.
Single phases can be used in the residential house as the consumption of electricity is less but for commercial places or large area electricity consumption the 3 phase kWh meter is applicable for the flexibility, power and economically.
Easily swapping of 120 VAC to 208 VAC is possible through the PDUs, that are faster. You can run all the appliances and devices in the 3 phase Kwh meter with high benefits, less involvement of labour or electricians.
Dependency on electricity has increased due to fast work in return that saves our time, but one has to look into the consumptions and the expenses due to the electricity. So, the 3 phase kWh meter is preferred compared to the single-phase meter as the reasons are stated above. Cost effective and quality electricity is available from the 3 phase Kwh meter.
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